Tagliata Salad with rare Beef Tenderloin
Tagliata in Italian literally means sliced meats. In this recipe we are using premium beef tenerloins.
Ingredients for 10 pax
1 Whole Veal Tenderloin this recipe also work well with Grass Fed Tenderloin Tails
100 gram block of good quality aged parmesan
Bunch fresh thyme
100 grams/2 packets of rocket leaves
100 grams Cherry Vine Tomatoes (Red & Yellow if possible)
Good quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Good Quality Aged Balsamic Vinegar
Coarse Sea Salt & Black Pepper
Juice of half a lemon
Prepare the Tenderloin
Remove the tenderloin from the refrigerator at least 1 hour before planning to start cooking. If frozen defrost in the fridge overnight. This allows it to come up to room temperature which gives better cooking conditions when we start to grill the beef.
Remove the Silver Skin from the Tenderloin and tie the tail under using butchers string.
Prepare the Rub
Combine in small bowl; 2 teaspoons coarse sea salt, 1 teaspoon black pepper, chopped fresh thyme leaves (remove leaves from stalks and roughly chop with a chefs knife) and a good glug olive oil
Massage the tenderloin with the rub and rest for 20 minutes
Preheat your BBQ so that it is on full heat, place the tenderloin on the hottest part of the grill and allow to sear for 2 minutes without moving.
Turn the meat 90 degrees and sear for a further 2 minutes, repeat until all sides are seared (8-10 mins on the hottest part of the grill) like cooking a sausage. You want to be getting a dark char on the meat on all sides
Remove the tenderloin to a cooler part of the grill and away from direct heat. Pull the lid down and allow to roast for 5 minutes.
Test the internal temperature; it is better and more accurate to use a meat thermometer, you should remove the tenderloin from the grill once the beef has reached a core temperature of 40 celsius. If you do not have a meat thermometer then you can use a metal skewer placed into the center of the beef for 2 seconds and then onto your bottom lip. It should register just ‘warm’ not ‘hot’.
Remove from the grill and allow to rest somewhere warm for approximately 15 minutes. The beef should be rare and still red in the center.
Prepare your salad
Arrange the rocket leaves on a large platter, evenly scatter halved cherry tomatoes.
Thinly slice the beef and arrange on top of the salad.
Using a potato peeler, slice thin slithers of parmesan all over the beef and salad.
Liberally splash; Olive Oil, Lemon Juice and Balsamic over the meat and salas
Generously season with Seal Salt & Black Pepper.