
Prep the meat by removing the silver skin from the bottom of the cut, you can leave the fat on the top part. Cut into steak at approximately 250 grams per piece. INGREDIENTS 2kg of Oyster Blade 3 tablespo...
Baked King Crab Legs To Die For I made this over the weekend and was blown away with the flavour and texture of these Alaskan King Crab legs, what’s cools is that this is such a simple way to prepare them an...
Ingredients: 300g minced beef - go for the good stuff 4 slices American cheese - for the melt 2 slices tomato 8 slices pickle 2-4 leaves lettuce 1/2 an onion, sliced Salt & pepper Vegetable oil Bre...
The Perfect Fish & Chips (Halibut) Halibut is perfect for battering, the flesh is firm and sweet with a pearly white colour when cooked. Ingredients 1 kg good quality potatoes (preferably USA Idaho) 1...
Have you tried a flat Ion Steak in any of our Flat Iron Restaurants www.flatironhk.com ? Want to replicate that soft, juicy and flavorsome experience at home? Pick up 4 of our Jack's Creek Oyster Blade steak...
購買冰鮮M3-4和牛側腹橫肌牛扒(崩沙腩)-1公斤 如何裁剪側膜橫肌牛扒 只要你在家,你只需要去除外層多餘脂肪,那就可以了。跟著我們的步驟,就能知道香烤側膜橫肌牛扒詳細的做法了。 取出牛扒,將整塊側膜橫肌牛扒分成兩英尺長,然後捲起。你需要準備鋒利的去骨刀/大廚刀,在大砧板上鋪開牛扒。牛扒有脂肪那一面向上,由中間開始下刀,沿著明顯的紋理切下去,很容易就能切出一塊一英尺長的牛扒。 在脂肪下切下 刀放在部分看到的脂肪...