Unfortunately the Hong Kong weather can be unpredictable, but you shouldn’t let that dampen you plans, these 8 easy to follow hacks should have you cooking up a storm, feeding your party and staying dry at t...
閱讀更多Short Loin是牛腰前端的部分,可以切出T骨牛扒、紅屋牛扒、西冷牛扒和牛柳。 全條牛腰肉大約10 - 14公斤,然後我們會依照不同部位切割成不同種類及大小的牛扒,方便煮食,避免有煮得過熟情況出現以及方便分享。 可參考以上圖片,紅屋牛扒位於牛腰部位前4x 1吋,此部位牛柳和西冷比例最完美並被視為是全牛腰肉最優質和最貴的部位。如果你在一家餐廳點了一份紅屋牛扒並只有一點點牛柳,那麼你們就被欺騙了。 和牛...
閱讀更多Both cuts come from the shortlion which is a large primal from the back center of the cow, it contains 2 prime cuts, namely the Striploin (AKA Sirloin) and the Tenderloin (AKA Fillet) The Shortloin weighs in...
閱讀更多Biltong is a dried beef snack originating from South Africa and is somewhat like Jerky, its incredibly tasty and addictive. The need for food preservation in South Africa was extremely important as there wa...
閱讀更多Our chicken arrives fresh (chilled) weekly by air from Australia every Thursday, we partner with Hazelden’s https://www.hazeldenes.com.au/ chicken who are accredited by the RSPCA for its farming standards. ...
閱讀更多USDA Prime is the top of the top in terms of grading. Less than 3% of the entire Angus cattle from America is graded as Prime. We are flying in weekly shipments of USDA Prime and are carrying cuts such as R...
閱讀更多We are proud to state that at Steak King we make all of our own sausages; in house, by hand using only the finest ingredients and with traditional artisanal techniques. We are very confident that we have the...
閱讀更多我們在此興奮地宣布,我們與澳洲Kinross station 合作,可直接從他們農場進口最新鮮最高質的羊肉! Kinross station. 位於澳洲新南威爾士州,是一個剛翻新的羊牧場。他們的羊全是由草餵飼並加上少量全天然谷飼讓他們的羊肉有著與和牛相同的雪花等級。 如此上等的羊肉,外面很難買到。欲購從速!
閱讀更多只需選擇您的牛肉,我們將在其上貼上您的名字,並將其放入我們訂製的乾式熟成櫃中,將牛肉變成您嘗試過的最美味、多汁及軟嫩的牛肉。 乾式熟成過程: 1. 親臨黃竹坑店或網上訂購 2. 由牛扒專員為你服務,選擇您所要的牛肉部位 3. 選擇您所需的風乾時間 4. 我們會在您的牛肉上貼上您的姓名和聯繫電話,並將其放入我們的乾式熟成櫃中,我們的專員將每天檢查並翻轉 5. 熟成後,可為你切割符合你要求的份量 甚麼是乾式熟...
閱讀更多老饕牛排是最難切割的部位,是一種必須認真品嚐的美味佳餚。 我們很自豪能夠提供這種罕見的產品,但請注意,它的數量有限。 前一晚將牛扒在冰箱中解凍過夜,然後在烹飪前2 小時在室溫解凍。 最簡單的準備方法是簡單地從肉中去除多餘的脂肪和銀皮,然後在烤架上整塊烹飪。 另一種方法是將 Ribeye cap 重新製作為單獨的牛排 煎老饕牛排 將牛排放在平底鍋中煎,就像傳統的肉眼一樣,...